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2018 Questionnaire

Dear Congressman/Senator –

We are writing to request an interview with you for The RespectAbility Report. This publication covers the intersection of politics, policy and disability. It is a publication of RespectAbility – a nonprofit, non-partisan organization that fights stigmas and advances opportunities for people with disabilities. We educate around key issues that impact people with disabilities. There are 56 million Americans with disabilities and many of them rely on us for background on public policy and elected officials.

Below are the questions for the interview. We hope you will take the time to answer all of them. However, we will publish interviews so long as at least seven questions are answered. We ask you to limit the answers to all questions to no more than 200 words. However, you can link to a larger piece on your own website in your answers. There also is a place on the form where you can link to a photo.

Thank you for your time, service and ideas!


Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi
President, RespectAbility

Fill out the form below to submit your responses.

[contact-form][contact-field label=’Elected Official%26#039;s Title’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Elected Official%26#039;s First Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Elected Official%26#039;s Last Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Your First Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Your Last Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Your Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Contact Phone Number’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Link to Photo of Elected Official’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’What is your record on improving the lives of people with disabilities? Please describe your positive contributions. (Limit 200 words)’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’What policies and actions do you support to reduce the stigmas of people with disabilities that are barriers to employment, independence and equality? (Limit 200 words)’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’What is your record on enabling people with disabilities to have jobs, careers and to start their own businesses? (Limit 200 words)’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’Do you have specific strategies for youth employment for people with disabilities? For example, what are your thoughts on apprenticeships for youth with disabilities? (Limit 200 words)’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’The jobs of the future will largely require post-secondary education. However, on average only 65% of students with disabilities complete high school and only 7% complete college. What policies do you support to enable students with disabilities, including those from historically marginalized communities and backgrounds, to receive the diagnosis, Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan and accommodations/services they need to succeed in school and be prepared for competitive employment? (Limit 200 words)’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’Today there are more than 750,000 people with disabilities behind bars in our nation. Most of them are functionally illiterate and 95% of them will eventually be released. What are your views to ensure that individuals with disabilities who are incarcerated gain the skills and mental health supports that will enable them to be crime free and successful when they leave incarceration? (Limit 200 words)’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’People with disabilities are twice as likely to be victims of crime as those without disabilities. They are also are far more likely to suffer from police violence, partially because manifestations of disability can be misunderstood. How would you address these issues? (Limit 200 words)’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’Both children and adults with disabilities are more likely to be victims of rape or sexual assault. How would you address this issue? (Limit 200 words)’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’How would you advance innovations (i.e., assistive technologies, devices) that can help people with disabilities become more successfully employed, productive and independent? (Limit 200 words)’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’Are your office, website and events accessible to people with disabilities? If yes, please describe. (Limit 200 words)’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]

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