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Presidential Candidates & Access to Healthcare and Jobs

Washington, D.C., Jan 31 – As a nonpartisan national nonprofit organization fighting stigmas and advancing opportunities so people with disabilities can participate fully in all aspects of community, RespectAbility has invited all candidates in the presidential race on both sides of the aisle to submit their answers to a 2020 Disability Voter Candidate Questionnaire. Question 9 in the Questionnaire was: “How would you ensure that people with disabilities have access to healthcare and the benefits they need while enabling them with opportunities to work to the best of their capacities without losing the supports they need to live? This relates to private healthcare as well as SSI, SSDI, Medicare and Medicaid.

Below, read the answers from the five candidates who responded:

close-up of pete buttigieg's face

Mayor Pete Buttigieg

“Americans with disabilities face many challenges and barriers when interacting with our health care and Social Security systems. To advance comprehensive, affordable health care for all, my administration will ensure that all people with disabilities have an affordable coverage alternative through Medicare for All Who Want It. We will expand access to telehealth to make it easier to receive health care at or near one’s home and dramatically reduce drug prices, as outlined in my Affordable Medicines for All plan.”

Read the full response (Question 9)

Sen. Amy Klobuchar

“Senator Klobuchar believes that the Affordable Care Act is a beginning, not an end. She has fought the Trump Administration’s efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and opposes the Trump Administration’s efforts to kick people with pre-existing conditions off of their health insurance. As President, she will bring down the cost of health care for everyone by putting a non-profit public option in place that allows people to buy into affordable health insurance coverage through Medicare or Medicaid.”

Read the full response (Question 9)

headshot of Amy Klobuchar smiling

close-up of Bernie Sanders smiling while wearing a suit and a tie

Sen. Bernie Sanders

“We must guarantee people with disabilities the right to live in the community; truly integrated employment that pays a living wage; affordable, accessible housing; and the right to health care, including mental health care and home and community based services and supports. Bernie believes every person with a disability deserves the right to live in the community and have the services and supports they need to pursue the American Dream. This right must be available to all, free of waiting lists and means tests. It is our moral responsibility to make it happen.”

Read the full response (Question 9)

Sen. Elizabeth Warren

“Health care is a human right, but too many people with disabilities face barriers to quality care. People with disabilities are frequently denied coverage, subject to discriminatory treatment, or receive inadequate services. We need a system that empowers all people to live full lives. We need a system that reflects our values. That system is Medicare for All. My plan reduces health care costs in America, eliminates profiteering, and ensures everyone can get the care they need without going broke.”

Read the full response (Question 9)

Elizabeth Warren smiling wearing a blue suit

close up of Andrew Yang smiling wearing a white collared shirt and gray suit jacket

Mr. Andrew Yang

“Andrew believes healthcare is a basic human right, which is why he plans to make it affordable and accessible to all Americans, without exception. His Medicare for All bill will include provisions requiring ADA compliance at all healthcare facilities, investments in telehealth and assistive technology, coverage for transportation to facilities and assistive mobility devices, coverage for all necessary medical devices and supplies, and access to experts during childhood for detection and care.”

Read the full response (Question 9)

RespectAbility is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that fights stigmas and advances opportunities so that people with disabilities can fully participate in all aspects of their communities. RespectAbility does not rate or endorse candidates. The questionnaire is purely for educational purposes as voters go to the polls. RespectAbility has reached out to all of the presidential campaigns and will be posting all responses on The RespectAbility Report. View more coverage of 2020 presidential candidates. 

Published in2020 CampaignAmy KlobucharAndrew YangBernie SandersDemocratsElizabeth WarrenPete Buttigieg

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